Grace Françoise NIBIZI is the Founder and Executive Director of SaCoDé, a nonprofit Organization based in Burundi in East Africa. She created SaCoDe in her garage with a passionate vision to help disadvantaged women raise their youth children in dignity. She takes a vision and makes it reality through sound strategy development. She leads mainly by example, always doing her best and encouraging others to do the same. While easygoing by nature, no one doubts her authority. She is direct and decisive when she needs to be.
Today, Grâce Françoise oversees programs that use mobile phone SMS for reproductive health education and hygiene; provide counseling and services in SaCoDé youth centers, public schools and among Communities; and produce education and information videos, many of which focus on the needs of youth and women’s empowerment. She is recognized for her innovation of the Agateka sanitary pads for Menstrual Hygiene Management which are changing lives of underprivileged school girls, and which has now received two awards and recognitions. She is an inspirational leader who tells stories that inspire action. She is respected as a credible voice in policy making and that allows her to earn a seat at the table where norms and standards are implemented.
Before creating SaCoDé, Grâce Françoise held positions with different International organizations such Catholic Relief Services, UNIFEM, UNHCR, UNDP, and the European Union. She also volunteered in Kenyan refugee camps.
Grâce Françoise was born the third of 10 children. She is married and has two sons and one granddaughter. Grâce Françoise completed university degrees in International Business Management and Administration and International Business Communication. She also completed the medical Institute and served as an anesthesiologist nurse before doing her Business Administration and Management degree.
Education • Health • Health Delivery • Sanitation • Standards • Women's and Girls' Education • Youth Job Skills
Eastern and Southern Africa