I am a Liberia, trained Licensed Registered Nurse with bachelor’s degree in Nursing from Cuttington University College (2003) and holds a Master’s degree in Public Health from BRAC University in Dhaka Bangladesh (2012). I have completed courses in International Health and Community development from Boston University, Managing Health Emergencies in Large Population- Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Health and Human Rights- Harvard School of Public Health, Tropical Epidemiology- Prince Leopold School of Tropical Medicines and Communicable diseases in Health Emergencies –at the University of New South Wales –Sydney –Australia.
I have worked in the Democratic Republic of Congo, The Sudan (Darfur) and South Sudan with Merlin- and Malaria Consortium - UK based organizations in managing various large scale health projects.
I currently serve as the 1st Liberian Health Sector Pool Fund and also the Deputy Incident Manager for the Incident Management System – Ministry of Health, the Command and Control structure for the Ebola Response in Liberia.