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Tyler Norris

Vice President, Total Health, Kaiser Permanente


Tyler Norris, MDiv, is an entrepreneur and founder of over a dozen businesses and social ventures. His three decades of service in the public, private and non-profit sectors have focused on population health, community vitality, and equitable prosperity.

Currently, he serves as Vice President, Total Health Partnerships at Kaiser Permanente, where he helps lead the implementation of “anchor institution” strategies, applying all KP assets to measurably improve population health and community well-being.

Tyler is a trustee of Naropa University, and serves on advisory bodies for the Convergence Partnership, Transportation for America, Active Living by Design, and Samueli Institute -- and is active with Social Venture Network, BALLE and SOCAP. As an early leader in the healthy/sustainable communities movement, Tyler has worked in over 400 communities and with scores of organizations in the United States and globally. Previously he served as founding chair of IP3, a technology venture that powers and GIS data mapping platforms for health philanthropies and governmental agencies. He was founding CEO of Community Initiatives Inc.; convener of Advancing the Movement; founding co-chair of the W.K. Kellogg Foundation's National Leadership Alliance; and head coach of the YMCA's Pioneering Healthier Communities initiative.

He is an avid mountain biker, backcountry skier and pilot, and now resides in Oakland, CA.